Jorge Sánchez Hernández [1926-2019, Mexico City, Mexico] was not an artist of his time in the sense that, despite living in the context of artistic avant-garde, he sought to perfect the technique of naturalism in painting, not to break with tradition.

His most famous painting is the controversial Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz [Juana Inés in the courtesan life or The Exam], which many people believe it was painted by a 16th century J.Sánchez. This is because he added the date 1666 inside the cartouche on the canvas, instead of the date in which it was actually painted, 1976, next to his signature. Besides, the painting style was not perceived as contemporary, but rather baroque.

This artwork is part of a collection of 21 pieces, shown for the first time in the exhibition Sor Juana, Presencia, Voz e Imagen en el Tiempo [Sor Juana. Presence, Voice and Image in Time] in Museo de la Ciudad de México [December 11th, 1978] and later in Biblioteca Palafoxiana, Casa de la Cultura, Sala Agustín Arrieta [May 3rd, 1979], City of Puebla de los Ángeles, Mexico. The exhibition participated as well the commemoration of the 450th anniversary of the founding of the city of Taxco, where all the paintings were acquired by a Private Collector.
The Sor Juana Collection is currently presented in the restaurant Exhacienda Las Bodegas del Molino, in the City of Puebla, México.